Pierce Gates Bronco #BuildBlog Progress

Pierce Gates Bronco #BuildBlog Progress

The PAP team has been hard at work in a Top-Secret location where the Pierce Gates Bronco Lair is nestled “somewhere” in the Pacific Northwest mountains. To fully respect, appreciate, and honor Alma Gates passion and legacy, Pierce Audio refuses to cut corners, and in tedious fashion, will continue to intricately rebuild, upgrade, and transform the Gates Bronco Beast into a “Pierce Audio Gates Hybrid Monster”.

Combining Alma Gates style and Pierce Audio’s superior engineering and custom designs, the PAP team’s goal is to build a high-quality SQL demo-monster with continual PAP technological innovations to bring new energy and excitement to enthusiasts around the world every year. Our Aim is to honor the Alma Gates heritage and make her family and fans proud to breathe new life and admiration into Alma’s legacy. Stay tuned for updates and join the Pierce Audio team on this epic journey to unleash the beast from its lair!