Bassheads Unite! Surf City Shout Out

Bassheads Unite!  Pierce Audio Inc. was stoked to be at Surf City Soundoff 2017! We were even more stoked to see all the Bassheads out to represent the sport! The event included many vendors, manufacturers and reps including Pierce Audio Inc. would like to take a moment to personally thank you all. Fantastic demos and the builds and all around. We were fully impressed!

We appreciate all the Bassheads including:

John Nolte, Sound Digital and Full Throttle Battery

Justin Henke and DC Audio

Sundown Audio

Anyone else we may have missed in this post: Thank you all! Please let us know if you have any pictures, videos or links and we’ll post those too.

We’d also like to thank Chinook Winds Casino Resort. Last but not least: A special thanks goes out to Travis Chin and Scott Macrae for hosting the event.

Here’s to 2018 !!!